Start-Ups Head Out of #Bengaluru?: Good Bye #silkboard Traffic, Hello Silicon Beach Mangalore :) ;-)

Blog, tonse startup lessons
[embed][/embed] #bengaluru has long been the darling of #IT services and software industry in this part of the world. So much has been its invincible power that over 45% of all venture capital that came into India in 2022, poured into Bengaluru (about $32 billion out of $65 billion). The success perhaps has overwhelmed the city officials too as the miserable governance has brought the city to its knees. But now you have a new alternative: Mangalore IT cluster (Silicon Beach of India is the name of this region). The belt has over 125 tech companies generating over $375 mil in annual revenue, with startups from tech, gaming, and fintech, SaaS in plenty. Recent successes such as #99games ( @ninetyninegames  of Rohith Bhat) and several others are an endorsement of the…
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Lead Generation 101 For Startups – How to Attract Leads and Convert Sales

Blog, tonse startup lessons
This Video Tutorial — called Lead Generation 101 — For Startups was made for our younger audience, and first-time entrepreneurs or those interested in getting a quick hang of lead generation marketing. This gives an overview of the possible methods you can deploy, and what to expect. I will be launching a series of such tutorials weekly to make it easier for you to go to market. For the full version, do subscribe to the channel on Youtube: @tonsepai. If you’re interested in growing your business, then lead generation is an essential skill that you need to master. So, what exactly is lead generation? Simply put, it’s the process of attracting and converting strangers into potential customers. It’s about finding people who are interested in your product or service and turning…
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