Start-Ups Head Out of #Bengaluru?: Good Bye #silkboard Traffic, Hello Silicon Beach Mangalore :) ;-)

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[embed][/embed] #bengaluru has long been the darling of #IT services and software industry in this part of the world. So much has been its invincible power that over 45% of all venture capital that came into India in 2022, poured into Bengaluru (about $32 billion out of $65 billion). The success perhaps has overwhelmed the city officials too as the miserable governance has brought the city to its knees. But now you have a new alternative: Mangalore IT cluster (Silicon Beach of India is the name of this region). The belt has over 125 tech companies generating over $375 mil in annual revenue, with startups from tech, gaming, and fintech, SaaS in plenty. Recent successes such as #99games ( @ninetyninegames  of Rohith Bhat) and several others are an endorsement of the…
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